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To submit a recipe, you can email Jaidi and she will add you as a contributor.

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Please include the title of the recipe in the subject line, and only the recipe itself in the post.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mushroom Chicken

Got this recipe from a friend and it sounds so yummy!

We put however many pieces of chicken we need in the crockpot. We tend to use thighs and drumsticks, but always with the bone and skin.
Add 2 sticks of butter (we prefer salted) you can use one (we like it better with 2), 1 lb chopped or sliced mushrooms, and 1 large chopped onion, salt and pepper to taste.
Crock on low heat for about 3 hours (Basically until the chicken is almost done)
Add 2-4 TBSP cornstarch or flour (we use our homeground whole wheat flour), mix until smooth
Crock on high for 10-20 minutes. until it thickens up a bit.
Optionally you can remove the chicken from the crock, and pour all the juices, mushrooms, and onions into a sauce pan and turn it into a thick gravy.
Add Sour Cream and Serve over rice.
We do remove the skin from the chicken after cooking but before eating.
Its not a fixed recipe, but by crocking the chicken in the butter and veggies the flavors blend really well, so adjust to what you like. Also, optionally you can use a couple of cans of cream of Mushroom Soup, but the last time I read the ingredient label I swore I would never use it again. Alex loves our home version.
Hope you enjoy adjusting it to your family's taste.

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